Experienced Auto Accident Injury Attorneys in Jupiter, FL at Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. Help Motor Vehicle Accident Victims Secure Rightful Compensation for Their Injuries and Losses in Palm Beach County and Throughout Florida

Jupiter, FL, is one of the happiest seaside towns in the state, but a car accident here can quickly make your life miserable. But with the help of our Jupiter car accident lawyers, you can recover compensation for your injuries to pay for medical treatment and cover financial losses.

Interestingly, one road accounted for almost half of the 1,000+ car crashes that occurred in Jupiter in 2022. This has been the trend on Indiantown Road for five years in a row, with four of its intersections being marked as some of the most dangerous. These include Indiantown Road / Military Trail, US 1 / Indian Creek Parkway, and US 1 / Toney Penna Drive.

A car crash can cause immense pain and suffering. If another party was responsible for your accident, the seasoned Jupiter car accident lawyers at Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. can help you file a claim to recover compensation for medical bills, lost income, and emotional suffering, among others.

What To Do After a Car Accident in Jupiter or Elsewhere in Florida

If you’ve just had a car accident, your first step should be a 911 call. If anyone is injured, ask for an ambulance as well as the police. The police will document the scene and write a report, which you should obtain as soon as possible.

It’s also important to record the scene by taking photos or videos with your phone. Be sure to capture the damage on both cars, the road conditions at the time (including stop signs and traffic lights), and a record of the time, date, location, and weather conditions when the accident occurred.

It’s also important to record witness statements and their contact information. Most importantly, go to the hospital as soon as possible even if there are no apparent injuries. By law, you’re required to get a full medical evaluation within 14 days of an accident that has any impact.

How Florida’s No-Fault Insurance Works

Florida is one of 12 states that have no-fault insurance. That means no matter who caused the accident, your own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) cover will pay for your treatment. Similarly, your Property Damage Liability (PDP) cover will help pay for vehicle repairs.

That’s why you should notify your insurer as soon as possible after your accident. Most insurance companies allow you to report an accident online or through a phone call, which kickstarts the claims process. They will let you know if you should visit any specific doctors or hospitals where you will get medical treatment.

PIP insurance pays up to 80% of your medical bills and 60% of any lost income, up to its policy limit. If your medical bills, lost income, and other losses exceed that limit, you should file a third-party claim or a lawsuit. 

Jupiter Car Accident Lawyers

When to File a Claims With Gonzalez & Cartwright’s Jupiter Car Accident Lawyers

If another person or persons were responsible for the accident, you can file a third-party claim against their insurance company. If your claim is successful, the insurer will pay you a settlement that can help cover additional medical costs, lost wages, and compensation for non-economic losses such as emotional suffering and trauma.

However, filing a personal injury claim is different because you need to prove that the other driver was at fault. For example, you’ll have to prove that the other driver was under the influence, driving recklessly, or driving while distracted.

The other party’s insurance company will investigate your claim independently. If they find that it is warranted, they may offer you a settlement. In reality, it takes much more work to file a successful third-party claim. 

One way to increase your chances of success is to hire our experienced auto accident injury attorneys in Jupiter, FL. We can help you with investigations and with compiling a demand letter for your claim.

Why File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident?

If your accident was serious, you may have grounds to sue the person or parties responsible for your injuries. This often happens if the accident causes severe injuries such as amputation, disability, or death.

You can also sue if your insurance claim is denied. In this case, going to court provides an alternative where your case will receive a fair hearing and you have the opportunity to be awarded more compensation.

Underinsured or uninsured motorists are also a reason to sue to recover compensation. If there were corporate parties involved, such as manufacturers of faulty vehicles or flawed driver assist systems, filing a lawsuit helps you recover damages and take punitive measures so that another accident like yours doesn’t happen again.

What You Need to Win a Car Accident Claim in Florida

Car accidents fall under personal injury law. These cases require you to prove that the other driver was negligent and caused your injuries, particularly these four points:

  • The other driver had a duty to operate their vehicle safely
  • The other driver failed to perform this duty
  • This failure/breach led to the accident 
  • The accident was the cause of the injuries you suffered, which must be documented and verifiable

These might seem easy to prove, but it’s very easy to trip up if you’re not under the guidance of seasoned car accident lawyers. For instance, you should be very careful when giving your statement because any speculation may be used against you. Stick to the facts and avoid talking about the accident with anyone else apart from your lawyers and immediate family.

Secondly, don’t speak to insurance adjusters or accept any money they give you. They’re not your friends, no matter how amiable they seem. Their only job is to head off expensive claims in the future, and talking with them provides an opportunity for them to shift blame on you later.

How Our Jupiter Car Accident Lawyers Can Help With Your Case

It’s not a wise decision to go up against insurance companies on your own, especially when they have entire teams of experienced lawyers and vast resources. If you want to give yourself the best chance of winning fair compensation after a car accident, it’s crucial to seek the assistance of skilled car accident lawyers in Jupiter, such as those at Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A.

With our decades of experience handling personal injury cases, we possess the expertise and reputation necessary to negotiate the most favorable settlement on your behalf. Our track record includes successfully litigating cases for clients in Palm Beach County and throughout Florida. We are well-versed in taking cases to trial and diligently advocating for our clients to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.

It’s important to recognize that insurance companies often employ underhanded tactics to avoid paying claims. This can include monitoring social media accounts and hiring private investigators to gather evidence. However, by working with our skilled Jupiter car accident lawyers, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected. We will fiercely advocate for your best interests, navigate through the complexities of dealing with insurance companies, and work tirelessly to secure the compensation you need to recover physically, emotionally, and financially from the aftermath of the car accident.

Don’t risk being taken advantage of by insurance companies’ tactics. Partnering with us at Gonzalez & Cartwright is the best way to level the playing field and maximize your chances of obtaining fair and just compensation for your injuries and losses. Contact our experienced auto accident injury attorneys in Jupiter, FL that will fight tirelessly on your behalf, providing you with the legal support and representation you need during this challenging time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Car Accident Claims in Jupiter, FL

How Much Can I Recover in a Car Accident Claim?

The value of your claim is dependent on factors such as the extent of your injuries and the damage to your property. Most claims range between $5000 and $75,000 unless there is a serious injury. 
If there is loss of a limb, disability, or death, your claim may reach several hundred thousand dollars or even go into the millions. Your car accident lawyer will calculate all the damages and value your claim accordingly.

How Long Will My Car Accident Claim Take?

Car accident claims can take anywhere from a few months to several years before you get paid. In many cases, you need to wait until you reach maximum medical improvement before you file a claim to ensure you get the full value of damages, after which the insurance company will take several months to conclude investigations and begin negotiations. If you take your claim to court, it could take even longer.
At Gonzalez & Cartwright, we take car accident cases on a contingency basis, which means you only pay us if we win. Plus, the first case evaluation is free! Contact us today to begin your journey to peace of mind.

What People are Saying


West Palm Beach, Florida
They made the whole process really easy. They updated me with what was going on with my car insurance, they helped me out with where to go to get a car rental. They knew my case, they knew who I was, and they could really just guide me toward the right direction.


Broward County, Florida
When I came over here, they treated me like family. I really appreciate it. I referred them to a couple of friends. I explained to my friends and family how the office treated me so good.

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